Today's links
- Al Jaffee has retired: MAD's tribute to a 99-year-old legend.
- Raffi on radical politics: The more we get together the happier we'll be.
- Podcast: Part 6 of "Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town": Young love, strange love.
- Force Multiplier: Free Little Brother story for Attack Surface pre-orders, UK edition.
- Socializing with spreadsheets: Party in a shared doc.
- Red state pandemic rising: Pools can't have pissing and non-pissing ends.
- US cyberdefense is AWOL: US "cyber" spending is all offense, no defense.
- Scraping traffic-cams to capture police violence: NY activists are archiving public camera footage.
- Huge trove of unprotected dating-app data: 845GB of pics, chat and PII hanging out in unprotected Amazon buckets.
- This day in history: 2010, 2015
- Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading