Pluralistic: 14 Jun 2022

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Pluralistic: 12 Jun 2022

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Pluralistic: 12 May 2022

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The Internet Heist (Part I)

The early days of the war to control the future

The anti-piracy “You Wouldn’t Steal A Car” title-card, modified to read “You Wouldn’t Steal the Future.”
FACT (modified)

Note: This is Part I in a series; Part II is here, Part III is here

“A polite marketplace.”

That’s what the movie studio executive said he wanted to create.

It was my first day at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. One of our supporters had been at the National Association of Broadcasters show in Las Vegas the week before; coming back through the Convention Center late at night, he stumbled on an “open meeting” being held by the Motion Picture Association of America’s Copy Protection Technical Working Group. It was an “open meeting” in the sense that anyone who knew about it was welcome to attend, but they didn’t actually tell anyone it was happening, and they held it in the dead of night.

On the spur of the moment, that supporter decided to attend. What he heard was genuinely bizarre, and would have been absurd if it wasn’t so alarming.

That dead-of-night NAB meeting’s purpose was to announce the formation of a new interindustry consortium: the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG), which would hold its inaugural “open meeting” the following week, at an LAX airport hotel that would be convenient for tech reps who flew in from Silicon Valley and for studio and TV reps based in LA.

BPDG’s purpose? To steal the future.

Continue reading "The Internet Heist (Part I)"

Pluralistic: 30 Jul 2021

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Pluralistic: 21 May 2021

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Consent theater

Some of privacy’s thorniest questions

The torso and hands of a zoot-suited con-artist playing a shell game; behind his body is a Matrix-style waterfall of green characters on a black background. The pea in the shell-game is the eye of HAL9000 from 2001. Image: Cryteria (modified) CC BY:

Just say that we “fix” Facebook, making it possible for you to take your data and go to a rival service, one that respects your privacy, pays its taxes, and isn’t bent on enclosing all digital spaces into its pervasive surveillance walled garden.

It’s an idyllic vision, but our problems are just getting started.

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Pluralistic: 27 Apr 2021

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Pluralistic: 26 Feb 2021

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Pluralistic: 28 Jul 2020

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