filternet,copyfight,article 17,disney,themepunks,abigail disney,class war,business,spectrum,charter, thomas rutledge,letitia james,ny,ppe,brian krebs,astroturf,koch network,dark money,freedom works,dorr brothers,gop,mcmansion hell,urban theory,
Web-wide copyright filters would be a disaster; Apartment buildings didn't cause the pandemic; Unmasking the registrants of the "reopen" websites; Covid burns through Charter Cable employees; Disney heiress slams top execs' compensation
Pluralistic: 22 Apr 2020 filternet

Today's links
- Web-wide copyright filters would be a disaster: No filternet. Not before, and especially not now.
- Apartment buildings didn't cause the pandemic: The problem with slums is slumlords, not buildings.
- Unmasking the registrants of the "reopen" websites: Koch Network, grifters, GOP orgs and musketfuckers.
- Covid burns through Charter Cable employees: The company forced its workers to go to the office, denied PPE to field techs.
- Disney heiress slams top execs' compensation: Abigail Disney wants the C-suite to zero out their bonuses
- This day in history: 2005, 2010, 2015, 2019
- Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading
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