Pluralistic: The Collective Intelligence Institute (07 Feb 2023)

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Pluralistic: Bruce Schneier's "A Hacker's Mind" (06 Feb 2023)

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Pluralistic: When Facebook came for your battery, feudal security failed (05 Feb 2023)

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Small Government

The ref has to be more powerful than the players.

An ogrish figure standing at a podium. The podium has a lever in the shape of a gilded dollar sign. The ogre is yanking the lever. The ogre wears a tuxedo and top-hat. In one gloved hand, he dangles an old West sheriff with a long-gun in his hands and a gold star over his breast. The ogre chomps a cigar and sneers at the sheriff.


When neoliberal economists began dismantling the regulatory state under Ronald Reagan (a process that has continued without interruption under every president, Republican and Democrat, since), they insisted that they weren’t so much concerned with regulation, but rather, regulatory capture.

Today, the phrase “regulatory capture” gets thrown around by people of all political persuasions, and is understood in a colloquial sense, meaning something like, “a regulator who is beholden to its industry and therefor makes bad regulations that run counter to the public interest.”

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Pluralistic: Higher interest rates increase both the monetary supply and inflation (04 Feb 2023)

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Pluralistic: Netflix wants to chop down your family tree (02 Feb 2023)

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Pluralistic: Johnson and Johnson's bankruptcy gambit fails (01 Feb 2023)

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Pluralistic: Canada's privatised shadow civil service (31 Jan 2023)

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Pluralistic: The real scandal is overclassification; The Australian Chokepoint Capitalism Tour (30 Jan 2023)

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“Conversational” AI Is Really Bad At Conversations

A read-only interlocutor is a robot troll.

A vintage 5.5" floppy disk. Its write-protection tab has been covered with the glaring red eye of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Its label contains the scrawled word “ChatGPT.” In its center disc is a hypnotic spiral.
Cryteria/CC BY 3.0

In 1977, my father, a computer scientist, brought home a teletype terminal (a keyboard and a printer, no screen) and an acoustic coupler (a box with two suction-cups that matched up with the speaker and mic on the receiver of a standard Bell phone), and he connected it to the DEC PDP minicomputer at the University of Toronto. I was seven years old. I was hooked.

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