Pluralistic: Revenge of the Linkdumps (13 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: 'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes' (11 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms (10 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits (09 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: California to smash prison e-profiteers (08 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America; On the Media on the enshittification (pt 1) (06 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk (05 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: Ostromizing democracy (04 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point (03 May 2023)

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Pluralistic: Oops! All linkdump! (02 May 2023)

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