Pluralistic: Uplinkchump Linkdump (08 Jun 2024)

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Pluralistic: Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense (30 May 2024)

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Pluralistic: Amazon's financial shell game let it create an "impossible" monopoly (01 Mar 2024)

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Pluralistic: Dinkclump Linkdump; The Bezzle excerpt (Part VI) (23 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: Three AI insights for hard-charging, future-oriented smartypantses (31 Jan 2024)

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Pluralistic: Kinkslump Linkdump (09 Dec 2023)

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Pluralistic: Amazon is a ripoff (06 Nov 2023)

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Pluralistic: Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss (20 Oct 2023)

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Pluralistic: The internet is not a (link)dump truck (30 Sept 2023)

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Pluralistic: Brian Merchant's "Blood In the Machine" (26 Sep 2023)

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