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A new Marcus Yallow/Little Brother story!; DRM and CHI; Talking with Toronto Public Library's Shelve Under podcast; The law is free; "Absolutely faithful" Discworld TV adaptations; Read the prologue of "The Lost Cause"; Foreclosure vultures hold illegal auctions on courthouse steps; Hands-free door-handles; NYC will pedestrianize 40 miles of city streets; Citizen DJ; "Essential" workers will strike across America for May Day; Synonyms vs machine learning
Pluralistic: 28 Apr 2020 force-multiplier

Today's links
- A new Marcus Yallow/Little Brother story!: "Force Multiplier" is free if you pre-order Attack Surface, the third Little Brother book
- DRM and CHI: When the metaphor shear is deliberate.
- Talking with Toronto Public Library's Shelve Under podcast: Toronto is a hell of an sf town.
- The law is free: Carl Malamud wins big at the Supreme Court.
- "Absolutely faithful" Discworld TV adaptations: Will we finally get a decent Discworld video adaptation?
- Read the prologue of "The Lost Cause": My post-GND novel-in-progress
- Foreclosure vultures hold illegal auctions on courthouse steps: You say "investor," I say "profiteer."
- Hands-free door-handles: Ability is a spectrum.
- NYC will pedestrianize 40 miles of city streets: Hey I'm walkin' here.
- Citizen DJ: The Library of Congress wants to bring back the golden age of sampling.
- "Essential" workers will strike across America for May Day: Amazon, Instacart, Whole Foods, Walmart, Target, and FedEx.
- Synonyms vs machine learning: An adversarial example to defeat sentiment analyzers.
- This day in history: 2005, 2010, 2015
- Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading
Continue reading "Pluralistic: 28 Apr 2020"