Pluralistic: Joseph Cox's "Dark Wire" (04 June 2024)

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Pluralistic: Dinkclump Linkdump; The Bezzle excerpt (Part VI) (23 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: The majority of censorship is self-censorship; The Bezzle excerpt (Part V) (22 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: Google reneged on the monopolistic bargain; The Bezzle excerpt (Part IV) (21 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: Pluralistic is four; The Bezzle excerpt (Part III) (20 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: Middlemen without enshittification; The Bezzle excerpt (Part II) (19 Feb 2024)

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Pluralistic: An excerpt from The Bezzle (17 Feb 2024)

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Don’t Curb Your Enthusiasm

Marcus Yallow + 50 Years = Marty Hench?

The “Marty Hench” figure from the cover of Red Team Blues, next to the “M1k3y” figure (with large, binary-digit-lined red “X”) from the cover of Little Brother.

The old crow is getting slow;

the young crow is not.

Of what the young crow does not know,

the old crow knows a lot.

At knowing things,

the old crow is still the young crow’s master.

What does the old crow not know?

How to go faster.

The young crow flies above, below,

and rings around the slow old crow.

What does the fast young crow not know?


-John Ciardi, About Crows

Marcus Yallow is the 17-year-old hero of Little Brother, my 2008 novel about kids in San Francisco who wage high-tech guerrilla war on the Department of Homeland Security, who occupy the city after a terrorist attack.
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Pluralistic: How workers get trapped by "bondage fees"; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part five (21 Apr 2023)

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Pluralistic: Iowa's starvation strategy; The Red Team Blues Tour; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part three (19 Apr 2023)

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