Pluralistic: There Were Always Enshittifiers (04 Mar 2025)

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Pluralistic: Forcing Google to spin off Chrome (and Android?) (19 Nov 2024)

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Pluralistic: Someday, we'll all take comfort in the internet's "dark corners" (23 Mar 2024)

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Pluralistic: Social Quitting (09 Jan 2023)

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Twitter Arguments

A theory of change

semachthemonkey/CC BY 3.0 (modified)

The kind of activism I do has a serious structural barrier: it’s esoteric. Even today, tech-policy issues are extremely niche. Indeed, tech-policy is a niche within a niche —most people have little technical knowledge and most people have little policy expertise, and the stuff I do requires that you have some of both.

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We also serve, who write and boost.

A blurred roulette wheel in motion. Image by Angelo_Giordano, CC0
Image by Angelo_Giordano, CC0

There was a time when I would read the whole internet, every day.

Oh, not all of it. But when Usenet — the internet’s first widescale social media — was bridged into Fidonet (a network of dial-up BBSes), my local free bulletin board system began to import several hundred Usenet newsgroups, updating several times per day. I would dial up to this BBS and read my way through all of the new posts on these groups.

Early on, this was easy. Then, as traffic picked up, and as more newsgroups entered the feed, it got harder. Then it got impossible.

Continue reading "Probably"

Pluralistic: 30 Nov 2020

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Pluralistic: 10 Nov 2020

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Pluralistic: 12 Aug 2020

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Pluralistic: 10 Jul 2020

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