Pluralistic: Neither the devil you know nor the devil you don't (21 Jun 2024)

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Pluralistic: Sphinxmumps Linkdump (15 Jun 2024)

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Pluralistic: Brinklump Linkdump (20 Jan 2024)

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Pluralistic: Sympathy for the spammer (15 Jan 2024)

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Pluralistic: The real AI fight (27 Nov 2023)

Today's links

  • The real AI fight: Effective Accelerationists and Effective Altruists are both in vigorous agreement about something genuinely stupid.
  • Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.
  • This day in history: 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, 2022
  • Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading

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Pluralistic: Podcasting "How To Think About Scraping" (25 Sept 2023)

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Pluralistic: How plausible sentence generators are changing the bullshit wars (07 Sept 2023)

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Pluralistic: Supervised AI isn't (23 August 2023)

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Everything Made By an AI Is In the Public Domain

The US Copyright Office offers creative workers a powerful labor protective.

Norman Rockwell’s ‘self portrait.’ All the Rockwell faces have been replaced with HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ His signature has been modified with a series of rotations and extra symbols. He has ten fingers on his one visible hand. Image: Cryteria (modified) CC BY 3.0
Cryteria/CC BY 3.0, modified

Last week, a US federal judge handed America’s creative workers a huge labor win: Judge Beryl A Howell of the DC Circuit Court upheld a US Copyright Office ruling that works created by “AIs” are not eligible for copyright protection.

This is huge.

Some background: under US law — and under a mountain of international treaties, from the Berne Convention to the TRIPS —copyright is automatically granted to creative works of human authorship “at the moment of fixation in some tangible medium.”

That is: as soon as a human being makes something creative, and records it in some medium (a hard-drive, magnetic tape, paper, film, canvas, etc), that creative thing is immediately copyrighted (the duration of that copyright varies, both by territory and by whether the creator was working on their own or for a corporation).

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Pluralistic: Linkty Dumpty (15 July 2023)

Today's links

  • Linkty Dumpty: Things I thought about when I was supposed to be on holidays.
  • This day in history: 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018
  • Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading

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