Pluralist, a daily link-dose: 20 Feb 2020

Today's links

  1. The 2020 Nebula Award Finalists: a bumper crop of outstanding SF
  2. Uber driver/sharecroppers drive like maniacs to make quota: subprime lending + gig economy = stay off the roads
  3. Barclay's bankers forced to endure nagging work-computer spyware: the shitty technology adoption curve at work
  4. Bernie Sanders leads in 10 out of 10 polls: but unless he can get a majority of pledged delegates, he'll be ratfucked by superdelegates
  5. Bloomberg: kids only like Sanders because they're stupid: "Because our kids no longer learn civics in school they longer study Western history, they no longer read Western literature…"
  6. "Secure erase" with a bolt-cutter: Jamie Zawinski doesn't mess around when it comes to getting rid of old hard drives.
  7. Adding 2 inches of tape to a road-sign induces sudden 50mph acceleration in Teslas: Adversarial examples are unstoppable.
  8. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralist, a daily link-dose: 20 Feb 2020"

Pluralist: 19 Feb 2020


  1. The Woman Who Loved Giraffes: a documentary about Anne Innis Dagg, the magnificent feminist biologist and critic of pseudoscience like evolutionary psychology.
  2. Machine learning doesn't fix racism: experiments in using machine-learning "risk assessment" for bail hearings collapse in ignominy.
  3. Rethinking "de-growth" and material culture: great commentary from Kate "McMansion Hell" Wagner.
  4. Bernie Sanders is a clear favorite among "regular Democrats." 71% approval and 19% disapproval!
  5. Trump's border wall defeated by 99 pesos' worth of rebar.
  6. Capitalism without capitalists: companies are not their shareholders' property. Companies own themselves.
  7. Rental car immobilizes itself when driven out of cellular range: Unauthorized Bread, but for cars!
  8. Nearly half of medical devices haven't been patched against the Bluekeep vuln
  9. Glowing Randotti skull-prints: Coop revives the golden age of Haunted Mansion merch.
  10. Ios is now a vehicle to deliver unblockable adware
  11. Colophon

Continue reading "Pluralist: 19 Feb 2020"