Pluralistic: 07 Jul 2020

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Pluralistic: 01 Jul 2020

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Pluralistic: 30 Jun 2020

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Pluralistic: 29 Jun 2020

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Pluralistic: 22 May 2020

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Pluralistic: 09 May 2020

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Pluralistic: 07 May 2020

The TSA is hoarding N95s; Look at this banana gondola.; America is united; $3 router rebooter; EFF's Guide to Digital Rights During the Pandemic; Wink will brick your smart home if you don't pay a monthly fee; Helicopter flyover of deserted Disneyland; EU: "Cookie walls violate the GDPR"; Unix and Adversarial Interoperability; Sidewalk Labs pulls out of Toronto; Wechat spies on non-Chinese users for in-China censorship; Hidden doors disguised as bookcases; Vent dragons

Pluralistic: 07 May 2020 just-look-at-it


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Pluralistic: 06 May 2020

illustration,art,brazil,old school,hg wells,science fiction,Henrique Alvim Corrêa,k street,ppp,corporate dems,human centipede,dinos,weaponized shelter,banking collapse,pensions,uk,economics,business,bailouts,scarfolk,satire,uk,ukpoli,juking stats,outsider art,painting,food,not food,art,Itsuo Kobayashi,carceral state,prisons,law,miami,florida,puzzles,crowdfunders,cards against humanity,gift guide,magic

Alvim Corrêa's War of the Worlds illustrations; America's corporate lobbyists want a bailout; Sacrifice banks to save businesses; Scarfolk death statistics; Chef paints portrait of every meal he eats; Appeals court says Miami jail doesn't need to provide soap; Ohio's got snitchline for bosses whose workers who won't go back; Magic Puzzles

Pluralistic: 06 May 2020 moloch-demands-death


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Pluralistic: 17 Apr 2020

Wenceslaus Hollar,knaves,etchings,old school,plague years,charlie stross,re-opening,ellen degeneres,scabs,class war,be kind,ellen,tv,united health,wendell potter,radicalized,late-stage capitalism,guillotine watch,medicare for all,fraud,impunity,doj,science fiction,prescience,fiction,naomi kritzer,so much cooking,themepunks,coop,art,masks,gift guide,randotti,skulls,illustration

Wenceslaus Hollar's Pack of Knaves; Charlie Stross on how we'll screw up the "re-opening"; Ellen DeGeneres's union crew takes paycuts while Ellen records from home with non-union contractors; Health insurance industry in rosy good health; DoJ to convicted fraudsters: keep your money!; Reflections on fictional pandemics during a real one; Coop pandemic masks

Pluralistic: 17 Apr 2020

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Pluralistic: 07 Apr 2020

Today's links

  1. Pickled 2001 computer store: Deadstock ahoy!
  2. A farewell to APIs: Greed, spam and entropy killed mashups.
  3. Machine learning model performs butthole recognition: Peak Internet of Shit.
  4. Covid loteria cards: Cabronavirus.
  5. California's fiber for all bill: Tell your senator to support SB1130.
  6. 1978 Doonesbury stereotype: Come for the Indochina political humor, stay for the printer's lore.
  7. LA crime plummets: Down 23% (domestic violence is down 11%).
  8. US stimulus is one week's cash: Deflation ahoy.
  9. Private equity blinks on cuts to health workers' wages: Speeding up slow destruction makes it impossible to ignore.
  10. Virtual greenscreen: Incredible computer science paper from the 2020 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  11. Landlord changes church's locks: The pastor of Cross Culture Christian Center in Lodi, CA refused to stop holding services.
  12. This day in history: 2010, 2019
  13. Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 07 Apr 2020"