Pluralistic: 30 Apr 2020

berlin,germany,war,old school,sovkitsch,art,illustration,Nikolai Kolchitski ,medicare for all,office of the attending physician,broadridge financial solutions,tmg mail solutions,corporate murder,junk mail,randstad,new york,long island,finance,day and date,monopolism,business,china,private equity,amc,windowed releases,leverage,disney,market concentration,universal,comcast,disney,haunted mansion,fanac,themepunks,youtube,videos,old school,marc laidlaw,cyberpunk,science fiction,fiction,ebooks,half-life

Berlin in color, after the Reich's fall; Nikolai Kolchitski; Medicare for All (Congressjerks); Swedish covid death rates soar above neighbors'; Financial services workers dying for junk mail; AMC: "We will never show another Universal movie"; Revived Haunted Mansion videos from early internet fandom; Marc Laidlaw reads his fiction; A Room of One’s Own

Pluralistic: 30 Apr 2020 day-and-date


Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 30 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 24 Apr 2020

nyc,crowdfunding,comics,sf,bookselling,guillotine watch,hhs,alex azar,administrative incompetence, vaccines,brian harrison,poison,trumpism,media theory,emptywheel,both sides-ism,medicare for all,sicko,slate star codex,science,scholarship,masks,net neutrality,cable company fuckery,ajit pai,ajit fucking pai,opportunism,content moderation at scale,ad targeting,themepunks,minecraft,imagineering,disney,disneyland,california adventure,imagineering fun,wdi

Save Forbidden Planet NYC; Which guillotine is right for you; A labradoodle breeder is in charge of America's vaccines; "Inject disinfectant" vs both sides-ism; US healthcare fails insured people too; Masks work; US telcoms sector isn't doing better than Europe's; Amazon uses its sellers' data to figure out which products to clone; Facebook let advertisers target "pseudoscience" and "conspiracy"; Security expert conned out of $10,000; California Adventure, Minecraft edition

Pluralistic: 24 Apr 2020 slicey-boi


Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 24 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 22 Apr 2020

filternet,copyfight,article 17,disney,themepunks,abigail disney,class war,business,spectrum,charter, thomas rutledge,letitia james,ny,ppe,brian krebs,astroturf,koch network,dark money,freedom works,dorr brothers,gop,mcmansion hell,urban theory,

Web-wide copyright filters would be a disaster; Apartment buildings didn't cause the pandemic; Unmasking the registrants of the "reopen" websites; Covid burns through Charter Cable employees; Disney heiress slams top execs' compensation

Pluralistic: 22 Apr 2020 filternet


Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 22 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 10 Apr 2020

Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 10 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 09 Apr 2020

Today's links

  1. Neighbors treated to socially isolated buildingside screening: Scott Duggan treated his terrace to "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes."
  2. Philips quadruples ventilator costs: They reneged on their HHS deal and will get $646.7m for their trouble.
  3. Kansas GOP nukes ban on large Easter gatherings: What's wrong with Kansas?
  4. Kickpunch's Disney comics/horror movie mashups: Daniel Björk's terrifying poster children for fair use.
  5. Plastic-eating enzyme: Leaf-branch compost cutinase to the rescue.
  6. Cold brew coffee chemistry: Making the black stuff reproducible.
  7. Tails adds Secureboot support: Evil chambermaids, beware!
  8. Crisis makes heroes of IT workers: When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth.
  9. Automating fake PDF signatures: Make it look like you printed, signed and scanned.
  10. Pocket Art Director: Your high-handed boss in D20 form.
  11. This day in history: 2019
  12. Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 09 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 14 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Masque of the Red Death: Macmillan Audio gave me permission to share the audiobook of my end-of-the-world novella.
  2. When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth: A new podcast audiobook of my 2005 end-of-the-world story.
  3. Ada Palmer on historical and modern censorship: Part of EFF's Speaking Freely project.
  4. Glitch workers unionize: First-ever tech union formed without management opposition.
  5. Women of Imagineering: A 384-page illustrated chronicle of the role women play in Disney theme-park design.
  6. Tachyon celebrates 30 years of sff publishing with a Humble Bundle: DRM-free and benefits EFF.
  7. Honest Government Ads, Covid-19 edition: Political satire is really hard, but The Juice makes it look easy.
  8. TSA lifts liquid bans, telcos lift data caps: Almost as though there was no reason for them in the first place.
  9. CBC postpones Canada Reads debates: But you can read a ton of the nominated books online for free.
  10. Star Wars firepits: 750lbs of flaming backyard steel.
  11. This day in history: 2005, 2015, 2019
  12. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 14 Mar 2020"

Pluralistic, your daily link-dose: 28 Feb 2020

Today's links

  1. Clearview AI's customer database leaks: Sic semper grifter.
  2. The Internet of Anal Things: Recreating Stelarc's "Amplified Body" with an IoT butt-plug.
  3. Oakland's vintage Space Burger/Giant Burger building needs a home! Adopt a googie today.
  4. Fan-made reproduction of the Tower of Terror: Even has a deepfaked Serling.
  5. Drawing the Simpsons with pure CSS: Impractical, but so impressive.
  6. Let's Encrypt issues its billionth cert: 89% of the web is now encrypted.
  7. AI Dungeon Master: A work in progress, for sure.
  8. How to lie with (coronavirus) maps: Lies, damned lies, and epidemiological data-visualizations.
  9. This day in history: 2019, 2015
  10. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic, your daily link-dose: 28 Feb 2020"