Regulatory Capture

Beyond Revolving Doors and Against Regulatory Nihilism.

A Soviet editorial cartoon featuring an ogrish capitalist in top hat and tails yanking a dollar-sign-shaped lever that ejects a tiny bureaucrat from a seat; ranks of bureaucrats behind him wait their turns, grinning idiot grins.

The Murder of Net Neutrality Was Wild

Here’s a story about “regulatory capture”: Donald Trump appointed Ajit Pai, a former Verizon lawyer, to run the Federal Communications Commission, which is in charge of regulating companies like Verizon. Verizon — and the other big telcos and cable operators — wanted to kill Net Neutrality.

Net Neutrality is the idea that your ISP should send you the bits you request as quickly and reliably as it can. That means when you click a link, your ISP does its level best to get that link for you.

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Pluralistic: 06 May 2021

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Pluralistic: 17 Jan 2021

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Pluralistic: 09 Jun 2020

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Pluralistic: 04 Jun 2020

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Pluralistic: 03 Jun 2020

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Pluralistic: 27 Apr 2020

Indie booksellers during the pandemic; Podcasting Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town; Billionaires thriving on our pandemic losses; Pandemic proves ISP data-caps were always a pretense; Hospital cuts healthcare workers' pay, pays six-figure exec bonuses

Pluralistic: 27 Apr 2020 in-this-together


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Pluralistic: 24 Apr 2020

nyc,crowdfunding,comics,sf,bookselling,guillotine watch,hhs,alex azar,administrative incompetence, vaccines,brian harrison,poison,trumpism,media theory,emptywheel,both sides-ism,medicare for all,sicko,slate star codex,science,scholarship,masks,net neutrality,cable company fuckery,ajit pai,ajit fucking pai,opportunism,content moderation at scale,ad targeting,themepunks,minecraft,imagineering,disney,disneyland,california adventure,imagineering fun,wdi

Save Forbidden Planet NYC; Which guillotine is right for you; A labradoodle breeder is in charge of America's vaccines; "Inject disinfectant" vs both sides-ism; US healthcare fails insured people too; Masks work; US telcoms sector isn't doing better than Europe's; Amazon uses its sellers' data to figure out which products to clone; Facebook let advertisers target "pseudoscience" and "conspiracy"; Security expert conned out of $10,000; California Adventure, Minecraft edition

Pluralistic: 24 Apr 2020 slicey-boi


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Pluralistic: 13 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Announcing the third Little Brother book, Attack Surface: And a new Little Brother/Homeland reissue, with an intro by Ed Snowden!
  2. Where I Write: A column for the CBC that's really about how I write.
  3. Stream 200+ global news channels: Each hand-picked, no registration required.
  4. AT&T's CEO fired 23,000 workers and gave himself a 10% raise: Life on the easiest setting.
  5. Chelsea Manning is free: But she's been fined $256K for refusing to testify to the Grand Jury.
  6. Rep Katie Porter forces CDC boss to commit to free testing: Literally the most effective questioner in Congress.
  7. Trump's unfitness in a plague: It's not because he's an ignoramus, it's because he's a nihilist.
  8. Malware that hides behind a realtime Covid-19 map: Peter Watts' prophecy comes true.
  9. Locked-down Siennese sing their city's hymn: A cause for hope in the dark.
  10. This day in history: 2015, 2019
  11. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 13 Mar 2020"

Pluralistic, your daily link-dose: 26 Feb 2020

Today's links

  1. Brave autolinks 404s to the Wayback Machine: The internet's time-traveling, privacy respecting, ad-busting browser.
  2. Clarence Thomas admits he blew it on Brand X: A very safe mea culpa from the man who helped kill Net Neutrality.
  3. Medicare for All would be the biggest take-home pay increase in a generation: Even if my taxes went up by six figures (!), I'd still save money.
  4. The Smithsonian publishes 2.8m hi-rez images into the public domain: Tired: "It belongs in a museum!" Wired: "It belongs to the world!"
  5. McMansion Hell visits 1971: Before "lawyer foyers" there were "paralegal foyers."
  6. This day in history: 2005, 2015, 2019
  7. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

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