Pluralistic: 06 May 2020

illustration,art,brazil,old school,hg wells,science fiction,Henrique Alvim Corrêa,k street,ppp,corporate dems,human centipede,dinos,weaponized shelter,banking collapse,pensions,uk,economics,business,bailouts,scarfolk,satire,uk,ukpoli,juking stats,outsider art,painting,food,not food,art,Itsuo Kobayashi,carceral state,prisons,law,miami,florida,puzzles,crowdfunders,cards against humanity,gift guide,magic

Alvim Corrêa's War of the Worlds illustrations; America's corporate lobbyists want a bailout; Sacrifice banks to save businesses; Scarfolk death statistics; Chef paints portrait of every meal he eats; Appeals court says Miami jail doesn't need to provide soap; Ohio's got snitchline for bosses whose workers who won't go back; Magic Puzzles

Pluralistic: 06 May 2020 moloch-demands-death


Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 06 May 2020"

Pluralistic: 18 Apr 2020

shit sandwiches,electability,2020,elections,swing states,sentiment analysis,one country,daily yonder,polling,ilhan omar,weaponized shelter,rent and mortgage cancellation act,law,evictions,math,xkcd,known unknowns,savedotorg,.org,icann,pir,ethos capital,pe,finance,california,isoc,restaurants,rent-seeking,deliveroo,grubhub,jwz,pizza,food,business,games,fully automated luxury communism,solnit,mutual aid,walkaway,communist parties,

Rural swing-state voters' social media show growing disapproval for Trump; The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act; Garbage Math; ICANN pauses selloff of .ORG registry; Delivery services are gouging restaurants to death; Post-collapse maker utopia sim

Pluralistic: 18 Apr 2020

Today's links

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 18 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 08 Apr 2020

Today's links

  1. Solnit on the revelations of crisis: Pandemic speeds up processes that were too slow to notice.
  2. Nurse suspended for distributing crowdfunded PPE: Shame on Newark Beth Israel Medical Center.
  3. Cleveland Plain Dealer executed by union-busting owners: Firing health reporters during a pandemic.
  4. Monster-themed covid pinup PSAs: By Alejandra Oviedo.
  5. The Onion on Wisconsin's election: We need strategic Onion reserves for all our calamities.
  6. NSO Group says Facebook tried to buy its malware: NSO is worse than Facebook, but it's a close-run thing.
  7. How to pay for covid: Unearthing Keynes's "How to Pay for the War."
  8. Smart lock hemorrhages user data: And it broadcasts its unlock code over Bluetooth.
  9. TSA wanted to inspect 16 year old trans girl's genitals: Jon Corbett is on the case.
  10. Roger Fuckebythenavele vs Bannatyne Manuscript: Black Plague-era f-bomb eclipsed by 14th century frottage artist.
  11. Rube Goldberg feeding device: Now that's physical comedy.
  12. Public domain Zoom backgrounds: Fantastic backdrops for an absurd moment.
  13. This day in history: 2010, 2019
  14. Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 08 Apr 2020"

Pluralistic: 30 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Lax antitrust killed ventilator stockpiles : The USG procured <$3k ventilators from a startup, so an incumbent bought them and shuttered them.
  2. Koch network demands an end to lockdown: While sending its staff home for their safety.
  3. Private equity firms scooping up pandemic bargains: It's not the wound that gets ya, it's the opportunistic parasitic infections.
  4. Digital rights are human rights: Why broadband should be a public utility.
  5. ACLU vanquishes the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Terms of Service violations are not felonies.
  6. Munching Squares and Munching Tunes: The music and visuals of slow-decay phosphors.
  7. This day in history: 2010, 2015, 2019
  8. Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming appearances, current writing projects, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 30 Mar 2020"

Pluralistic: 13 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Announcing the third Little Brother book, Attack Surface: And a new Little Brother/Homeland reissue, with an intro by Ed Snowden!
  2. Where I Write: A column for the CBC that's really about how I write.
  3. Stream 200+ global news channels: Each hand-picked, no registration required.
  4. AT&T's CEO fired 23,000 workers and gave himself a 10% raise: Life on the easiest setting.
  5. Chelsea Manning is free: But she's been fined $256K for refusing to testify to the Grand Jury.
  6. Rep Katie Porter forces CDC boss to commit to free testing: Literally the most effective questioner in Congress.
  7. Trump's unfitness in a plague: It's not because he's an ignoramus, it's because he's a nihilist.
  8. Malware that hides behind a realtime Covid-19 map: Peter Watts' prophecy comes true.
  9. Locked-down Siennese sing their city's hymn: A cause for hope in the dark.
  10. This day in history: 2015, 2019
  11. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 13 Mar 2020"

Pluralistic: 09 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Jesse Jackson endorses Sanders: "I stand with him because he stands with you."
  2. Choose Your Own Adventure was Milton Friedman for Kids: There Is No Alternative.
  3. Woman sues TSA over "pat-down" that penetrated her vagina: Las Vegas airport's finest.
  4. Shat-out pig pedometer sparks farm-fire: Beyond Thunderdome, free range
  5. UCSC strike prompts systemwide student and faculty solidarity strikes: Meanwhile, the regents are deporting striking TAs.
  6. An open syllabus on "housing struggles": Detailed resources from the Pirate Care collective.
  7. Yanis Varoufakis on how austerity leads to fascism: And how "constructive disobedience" can win support for alternatives.
  8. John Deere is Right to Repair's archnemesis: Digital feudalism has reinvented the tenant farmer.
  9. This day in history: 2010, 2015, 2019
  10. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 09 Mar 2020"

Pluralistic: 05 Mar 2020

Today's links

  1. Daniel Pinkwater wrote a new novel! Yippee for "ADVENTURES OF A DWERGISH GIRL!"
  2. Warner Chappel discoved a new form of copyright fuckery so dense it blew a wormhole into another dimension: From the people who fraudulently claimed to own "Happy Birthday" for decades.
  3. RIP, Jim Tyre: The free internet just lost one of its most dedicated defenders.
  4. Decentralizing the web is a human problem: The web needs stewards, not owners.
  5. Right to Repair is the right to resilience: Independent repair is how we keep things going during emergencies.
  6. Keyless car fobs can be defeated with a cheap RFID cloner: Car manufacturers wontfix a showstopper bug. Again.
  7. Bookstores, libraries, human thriving and mental health: Books are great, even if the science behind their greatness is thin.
  8. Copyright experts' panel on fair use removed from Youtube: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
  9. Radicalized is out in paperback: Just hit every one of Canada's national bestseller lists, too!
  10. African Whatsapp modders are outcompeting Facebook: Adversarial Interoperability is how you beat digital colonialism.
  11. This day in history: 2015, 2019
  12. Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading

Continue reading "Pluralistic: 05 Mar 2020"